A DBA (aka: doing business as) is a fictitious business name or tradename for your business. This could be used in lieu of your legal business name or in lieu of your legal name if you are operating as a sole proprietor. *Please Note, a DBA Alone does not offer Liability Protection in the event that you are served*
Having a DBA in lieu of an LLC can be an option in such cases as the individual is a social media influencer who is not selling any products or services and simply wants to operate under a name other than their own legal name.
Yes, a DBA is only active for a limited time period based on your state. In some states it expires in 10 years while other states have an expiration in less time. But not to worry! You can always renew when it is time! Check out our "Maintenance" page for assistance with renewals.
. If you've reviewed the information and you are ready to file your DBA click the "File a DBA" button below. If you still have questions about if this filing is right for you, click the "I have a question" button and send us any questions you may have.
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